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There are many reasons that a person might be interested in getting their amateur radio license. Whether it's as a hobby, or to prepare for an emergency situation that my require radio communications to save lives, ham radio has a million and one uses in the world today! When all else fails HAM RADIO WORKS!!! With a little studying and a quick 35 question test YOU can be licensed and on the air before you know it!

The Tusco Amateur Radio Club is here to help. We offer regular exam sessions and any of our club members can answer just about any question you may have about ham radio and getting licensed. Studying can be done from a book, a computer, or even a smart phone. 

There are 3 licenses to ham radio that you can achieve today. The first license you earn is the Technician Class license. This license will get you on the air using VHF, UHF, and small portions of the HF bands. The Technician Exam is 35 questions.

The next license is the General Class License. This license will add most of the HF frequencies to your list of authorized frequencies. The General Exam is 35 questions.

Last but not least, the Extra Class License. This allows you full use of the HF frequencies allocated for amateur radio use. The Extra Exam is 50 questions.

A list of exam sessions can be found on the ARRL web site under EXAM SESSIONS. These exam sessions are put on by a Volunteer Examiner Team (VE TEAM) of fellow licensed and accredited ham radio operators. There will be a minimum of three VE's at each exam session that will administer the examinations. You must take and pass the exams in the order of Technician, General, and Extra. If you pass the Technician Exam you can then take the General Exam. Once you pass the General you can finally take the Extra Exam. Some people study for all 3 and are able to test all the way up to their Extra Class License in one exam session! 

Please feel free to check out the WEB PAGE LINKS tab for links to study guides and the ARRL website for further information. Check out the EVENTS tab to see when the next Tusco ARC exam session will be when you are ready to take that first step in the amazing hobby of HAM RADIO!

73 (Best Regards in ham radio slang) & thanks for visiting!!

Brent N8BAG
Tusco ARC Vice President
Tusco ARC  ARRL VE Session Liaison



T-County Amateur Radio Club dba Tusco Amateur Radio Club W8ZX
a 501c3 non-profit organization

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